Contacts of the Secretary General ad interim of ICCPPC, Doris Schäfer, to Mozambique in August 2024
Meeting with the head of prison chaplaincy in Mozambique - Visit to the women's section of a prison in Beira - Release of more than 70 prisoners through German donations.
>> More ...From 13 to 17 May 2024, the 33rd session of the CCPCJ (Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice) took place at the UN headquarters in Vienna. Doris Schäfer took part as the representative of the ICCPPC (International Commission of Catholic Prison Pastoral Care).
>> More ...An International Peace Meeting was held in Berlin (Germany) from 10-12 September 2023. Among other things, various forums dealt with topics related to building and maintaining peace.
>> More ...Once a year, the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ), part of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), invites the member states and members of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to a meeting in Vienna.
>> More ...There are many reasons to say 'NO' to the death penalty. It is not a just punishment, since it 'offers no justice to victims, but rather foments revenge ... And it prevents any possibility of correcting a possible miscarriage of justice.'
Dr. Jonathan Werner held a lecture at the Restorative Justice Congress in Puerto Rico (february 2020).
A meeting to promote and support the care of people in prison: Vatican 7-8 november 2019.
What does the rejection of the death penalty by Pope Francis mean? Some theological considerations by Prof. Dr. Fred van Iersel.
ICCPPC Congress Panama 6-10 February 2017:![]() Report of the president at the XIV congress of ICCPPC"Dear Friends, some time has passed since our last Congress held in Yaounde, Cameroon in September 2011." ![]() "When tickets to the future are no longer valid"Prof. Dr. Theo de Wit held a lecture at the ICCPPC Congress in Panama City. ![]() Approaches to a prison spiritualityPresentation Jorge Garcia Cuerva - ICCPPC Panama City. ![]() A poor Church for the poorPresentation Elvy Monzant Árraga - ICCPPC Panama City. ![]() |
For Justice and Mercy offers international texts on the position of prison chaplaincy and examples from the praxis.
The initiative for this publication was taken by the board of ICCPPC to pay extra attention to its 65 years existence, and to the Year of Mercy 2016.
In 2015 Pope Francis visited in Bolivia the overcrowded Palmasola prison. Click on the link to read his speech to the incarcerated men and women.
"I would like to share a few ideas with you on certain issues which, although debatable in part - in part! - touch directly upon the dignity of the human person and therefore concern the Church, in her mission of evangelization, of human advancement, of service to justice and to peace."
In 2014 the board of ICCPPC met in Delhi (India). Click on the link to read the report.